很多人发现硬盘满了,但是不知道该怎么查看 以下命令可以快速让你查看 # du -sh /* (更多…)
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很多人发现硬盘满了,但是不知道该怎么查看 以下命令可以快速让你查看 # du -sh /* (更多…)
大家介绍的是linux系统下常见的删除命令,现在在VPS里用的比较普遍。删除命令直接rm就可以了,不过要加个参数-f 即:rm -f 文件路径 -f 就是直接强行删除,不作任何提示的意思 *删除文件使用实例: # rm -f /www/home/example.php 这个命令将会强制删除/www/home/example.php这个文件 (更多…)
Halfway down the long hotel vestibule, he thought that probably he was going to be late, and hurried on into the street to get out his motorcycle from the corner where the next-door superintendent let him keep it. On the jewelry store at the corner he read that it was ten to nine; he had time to ...
THE NIGHT FACE UP ANALYTICAL ESSAY "The Night Face Up" is a short story embedded with complexities, written by Julio Cortazar. This story reveals a mysterious adventure which takes place in both reality and in the mind of the protagonist. The story takes place in the both the present reality of...
ABSTRACT: A juxtaposition of reality and dream sequences begin when the protagonist is hospitalized after a motorcycle accident. Asleep after surgery, he dreams that he is in flight from the Aztecs in a ritual war and must stay on a trail known only to the Motecas. He wakes, thirsty and feveris...
这个解决方法主要是通过手动修改数据户,把原来在后台常规设置那里把“WordPress 安装地址 (URL)”和“博客地址 (URL)”设置错了进行修复。 打开数据户,在“wp_options” 这个表找到option_name="siteurl"和option_name="home"这两个记录里面的网址,然后修改过来就好了。 注意!如果不是太熟悉数据户的朋友,请事先做好...